Compton processes in the bright AGN MCG+8-11-11

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present preliminary results on the hard X-ray emission properties of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy MCG+8-11-11 as observed by INTEGRAL and SWIFT. All the INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI data available up to October 2009 have been analyzed together with two SWIFT/XRT snapshot observations performed in August and October 2009, quasi-simultaneously to INTEGRAL pointed observations of MCG+8-11-11. No correlation is observed between the hard X-ray flux and the spectral slope, while the position of the high-energy cut-off is found to have varied during the INTEGRAL observations. This points to a change in the temperature of the Comptonising medium from a minimum value of kT = 30-50 keV to values larger than 100-150 keV. There is no significant detection of Compton reflection, with a 3 sigma upper limit of R < 0.2, and no line has been detected at 112 keV, as previously claimed from HEAT observations (112 keV flux F < 2.4e-4 ph/cm^2/s). The variability behaviour of MCG+8-11-11 is found to be similar to that shown by IC 4329A, with different temperatures of the electron plasma for similar flux levels of the source, while other bright Seyfert galaxies present different variability patterns at hard X-rays, with spectral changes correlated to flux variations (e.g. NGC 4151).

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