Response of Granulation to Small Scale Bright Features in the Quiet Sun

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We detected 2.8 bright points (BPs) per Mm$^2$ in the Quiet Sun (QS) with the New Solar Telescope (NST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory; using the TiO 705.68 nm spectral line, at an angular resolution ~ 0.1 to obtain 30 min data sequence. Some BPs formed knots that were stable in time and influenced the properties of the granulation pattern around them. The observed granulation pattern within ~ 3 of knots presents smaller granules than those observed in a normal granulation pattern; i.e., around the knots a suppressed convection is detected. Observed BPs covered ~ 5% of the solar surface and were not homogeneously distributed. BPs had an average size of 0.22, they were detectable for 4.28 min in average, and had an averaged contrast of 0.1% in the deep red TiO spectral line.

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