Investigating the one-photon annihilation channel in an e-e+ plasma created from vacuum in strong laser fields

الملخص بالإنكليزية

It is well known that in the presence of strong external electromagnetic fields many processes forbidden in standard QED become possible. One example is the one-photon annihilation process considered recently by the present authors in the framework of a kinetic approach to the quasiparticle e-e+ gamma plasma created from vacuum in the focal spot of two counter-propagating laser beams. In these works the domain of large values of the adiabaticity parameter gamma >> 1 (corresponding to multiphoton processes) was considered. In the present work we estimate the intensity of the radiation stemming from photon annihilation in the framework of the effective mass model where gamma < 1, corresponding to large electric fields E < E_c=m^2/e and high laser field frequencies (the domain characteristic for X-ray lasers of the next generation). Under such limiting conditions the resulting effect is sufficiently large to be accessible to experimental observation.

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