Infrared 3-4 Micron Spectroscopy of Nearby PG QSOs and AGN-Nuclear Starburst Connections in High-luminosity AGN Populations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the results of infrared L-band (3-4 micron) slit spectroscopy of 30 PG QSOs at z < 0.17, the representative sample of local high-luminosity, optically selected AGNs. The 3.3 micron polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission feature is used to probe nuclear (< a few kpc) starburst activity and to investigate the connections between AGNs and nuclear starbursts in PG QSOs. The 3.3 micron PAH emission is detected in the individual spectra of 5/30 of the observed PG QSOs. We construct a composite spectrum of PAH-undetected PG QSOs and discern the presence of the 3.3 micron PAH emission therein. We estimate the nuclear-starburst and AGN luminosities from the observed 3.3 micron PAH emission and 3.35 micron continuum luminosities, respectively, and find that the nuclear-starburst-to-AGN luminosity ratios in PG QSOs are similar to those of previously studied AGN populations with lower luminosities, suggesting that AGN-nuclear starburst connections are valid over the wide luminosity range of AGNs in the local universe. The observed nuclear-starburst-to-AGN luminosity ratios in PG QSOs with available supermassive black hole masses are comparable to a theoretical prediction based on the assumption that the growth of a supermassive black hole is controlled by starburst-induced turbulence.

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