Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Circumnuclear Star Clusters in M83

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We analyze archival HST/STIS/FUV-MAMA imaging and spectroscopy of 13 compact star clusters within the circumnuclear starburst region of M83, the closest such example. We compare the observed spectra with semi-empirical models, which are based on an empirical library of Galactic O and B stars observed with IUE, and with theoretical models, which are based on a new theoretical UV library of hot massive stars computed with WM-Basic. The models were generated with Starburst99 for metallicities of Z=0.020 and Z=0.040, and for stellar IMFs with upper mass limits of 10, 30, 50, and 100 M_sol. We estimate the ages and masses of the clusters from the best fit model spectra, and find that the ages derived from the semi-empirical and theoretical models agree within a factor of 1.2 on average. A comparison of the spectroscopic age estimates with values derived from HST/WFC3/UVIS multi-band photometry shows a similar level of agreement for all but one cluster. The clusters have a range of ages from about 3 to 20 Myr, and do not appear to have an age gradient along M83s starburst. Clusters with strong P-Cygni profiles have masses of a few times 10^4 M_sol, seem to have formed stars more massive than 30 M_sol, and are consistent with a Kroupa IMF from 0.1-100 M_sol. Field regions in the starburst lack P-Cygni profiles and are dominated by B stars.

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