Observational evidence for the shrinking of bright maser spots

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The nature of maser emission means that the apparent angular size of an individual maser spot is determined by the amplification process as well as by the instrinsic size of the emitting cloud. Highly sensitive MERLIN radio interferometry images spatially and spectrally resolve water maser clouds around evolved stars. We measured the properties of clouds around the red supergiant S Per and the AGB stars IK Tau, RT Vir, U Her and U Ori, to test maser beaming theory. Spherical clouds are expected to produce an inverse relationship between maser intensity and apparent size, which would not be seen from cylindrical or slab-like regions. We analysed the maser properties, in order to estimate the saturation state, and investigated the variation of observed spot size with intensity and across the spectral line profiles. Circumstellar masers emanate from discrete clouds from about one to 20 AU in diameter depending on the star. Most of the maser features have negative excitation temperatures close to zero and modest optical depths, showing that they are mainly unsaturated. Around S Per and (at most epochs) RT Vir and IK Tau, the maser component size shrinks with increasing intensity. In contrast, the masers around U Ori and U Her tend to increase in size, with a larger scatter. The water masers from S Per, RT Vir and IK Tau are mainly beamed into spots with an observed angular size much smaller than the emitting clouds and smallest of all at the line peaks. This suggests that the masers are amplification-bounded, emanating from approximately spherical clouds. Many of the masers around U Her and U Ori have apparent sizes which are more similar to the emitting clouds and have less or no dependence on intensity, suggesting that these masers are matter-bounded. This is consistent with an origin in flattened clouds and these two stars have shown other behaviour indicating the presence of shocks.

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