The mid-UV population of the nucleus and the bulk of the post-merger NGC 3610

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The very center of NGC~3610, a clearly disturbed giant elliptical generally assumed to be a post-merger remnant, appears dominated in the mid-UV (2500-3200 A spectral region) by a stellar population markedly different from that dominating the bulk of its stellar body. I want here to make use of the mid-UV spectra of NGC~3610 as seen through tiny ($sim$1) and large (10$times$20) apertures as a diagnostic population tool. I compare archive IUE/LWP large aperture and HST/FOS UV data of NGC 3610. The strength of mid-UV triplet (dominated by the turnoff population) shows a remarkable drop when switching from the galaxy central arcsec (FOS aperture) to an aperture size comparable to $sim$0.5 r$_e$ (IUE). The sub-arsec (mid)-UV properties of this galaxy involved in a past merger reveal a central metal enrichment which left intact the bulk of its pre-existing population.

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