V2491 Cyg - a possible recurrent nova ?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Nova V2491 Cyg was discovered on April 10.72 UT 2008 (Nakano, 2008). Here we present spectrophotometric premises that V2491 Cyg can be a good candidate for recurrent nova (RNe). Its properties are compared to five well known RNe with red dwarf secondaries (U Sco, V394 Cra, T Pyx, CI Aql, IM Nor) and recently confirmed as recurrent nova V2487 Oph (Pagnotta et al.,2008). Photometric $U, B, V, R_C, I_C$ and moderate resolution (R$sim 1500$) spectral observations of V2491 Cyg were carried out in the Torun Observatory (Poland) between April 14 and May 20 2008.

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