AKARIs infrared view on nearby stars : Using AKARI Infrared Camera All-Sky Survey, 2MASS, and Hipparcos catalog

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Results: We found that the (B-V) v.s. (V-S9W) color-color diagram is useful to identify the stars with infrared excess emerged from circumstellar envelopes/disks. Be stars with infrared excess are well separated from other types of stars in this diagram. Whereas (J-L18W) v.s. (S9W-L18W) diagram is a powerful tool to classify several object-types. Carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and OH/IR stars form distinct sequences in this color-color diagram. Young stellar objects (YSOs), pre-main sequence (PMS) stars, post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae (PNe) have largest mid-infrared color-excess, and can be identified in infrared catalog. Finally, we plot L18W v.s. (S9W-L18W) color-magnitude diagram, using the AKARI data together with Hipparcos parallaxes. This diagram can be used to identify low-mass YSOs, as well as AGB stars. We found that this diagram is comparable to the [24] vs ([8.0]-[24]) diagram of Large Magellanic Cloud sources using the Spitzer Space Telescope data. Our understanding of Galactic objects will be used to interpret color-magnitude diagram of stellar populations in nearby galaxies which Spitzer Space Telescope has observed. Conclusions: Our study of the AKARI color-color and color-magnitude will be used to explore properties of unknown objects in future. In addition, our analysis highlights a future key project to understand stellar evolution with circumstellar envelope, once the forthcoming astronometrical data with GAIA are available.

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