Inclusive b and b anti-b production with quasi-multi-Regge kinematics at the Tevatron

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider b-jet hadroproduction in the quasi-multi-Regge-kinematics approach based on the hypothesis of gluon and quark Reggeization in t-channel exchanges at high energies. The preliminary data on inclusive b-jet and b anti-b-dijet production taken by the CDF Collaboration at the Fermilab Tevatron are well described without adjusting parameters. We find the main contribution to inclusive b-jet production to be the scattering of a Reggeized gluon and a Reggeized b-quark to a b quark, which is described by the effective Reggeon-Reggeon-quark vertex. The main contribution to b anti-b-pair production arises from the scattering of two Reggeized gluons to a b anti-b pair, which is described by the effective Reggeon-Reggeon-quark-quark vertex. Our anaysis is based on the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription for unintegrated gluon and quark distribution functions using as input the Martin-Roberts-Stirling-Thorne collinear parton distribution functions of the proton.

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