Tidal effects on brown dwarfs: Application to the eclipsing binary 2MASSJ05352184-0546085 - The anomalous temperature reversal in the context of tidal heating

الملخص بالإنكليزية

2MASSJ05352184-0546085 (2M0535-05) is the only known eclipsing brown dwarf (BD) binary, and so may serve as an important benchmark for models of BD formation and evolution. However, theoretical predictions of the systems properties seem inconsistent with observations: i. The more massive (primary) component is observed to be cooler than the less massive (secondary) one. ii. The secondary is more luminous (by roughly 10^{24} W) than expected. We study the impact of tidal heating to the energy budget of both components. We also compare various plausible tidal models to determine a range of predicted properties. We apply t

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