Dark Left-Right Gauge Model: SU(2)_R Phenomenology

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In the recently proposed dark left-right gauge model of particle interactions, the left-handed fermion doublet $( u,e)_L$ is connected to its right-handed counterpart $(n,e)_R$ through a scalar bidoublet, but $ u_L$ couples to $n_R$ only through $phi_1^0$ which has no vacuum expectation value. The usual R parity, i.e. $R = (-)^{3B+L+2j}$, can be defined for this nonsupersymmetric model so that both $n$ and $Phi_1$ are odd together with $W_R^pm$. The lightest $n$ is thus a viable dark-matter candidate (scotino). Here we explore the phenomenology associated with the $SU(2)_R$ gauge group of this model, which allows it to appear at the TeV energy scale. The exciting possibility of $Z to 8$ charged leptons is discussed.

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