Coexisting on- and off-center Yb3+ sites in Ce1-xYbxFe4P12 skutterudites

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) measurements performed on the filled skutterudite system Ce1-x$YbxFe4P12 (x< 0.003) unequivocally reveal the coexistence of two Yb3+ resonances, associated with sites of considerably different occupations and temperature behaviors. Detailed analysis of the ESR data suggests a scenario where the fraction of oversized (Fe2P3)4 cages that host Yb ions are filled with a low occupation of on-center Yb3+ sites and a highly occupied T-dependent distribution of off-center Yb3+ sites. Analysis of the 171Yb3+ (I=1/2) isotope hyperfine splittings reveal that these two sites are associated with a low (~ 1 GHz) and a high (> 15 GHz) rattling frequency, respectively. Our findings introduce Yb3+ in Th symmetry systems and uses the Yb3+ ESR as a sensitive microscopic probe to investigate the Yb3+ ions dynamics.

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