Continuum surveys with LOFAR and synergy with future large surveys in the 1-2 GHz band

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Radio astronomy is entering the era of large surveys. This paper describes the plans for wide surveys with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) and their synergy with large surveys at higher frequencies (in particular in the 1-2 GHz band) that will be possible using future facilities like Apertif or ASKAP. The LOFAR Survey Key Science Project aims at conducting large-sky surveys at 15, 30, 60, 120 and 200 MHz taking advantage of the wide instantaneous field of view and of the unprecedented sensitivity of this instrument. Four topics have been identified as drivers for these surveys covering the formation of massive galaxies, clusters and black holes using z>6 radio galaxies as probes, the study of the intercluster magnetic fields using diffuse radio emission and Faraday rotation measures in galaxy clusters as probes and the study of star formation processes in the early Universe using starburst galaxies as probes. The fourth topic is the exploration of new parameter space for serendipitous discovery taking advantage of the new observational spectral window open up by LOFAR. Here, we briefly discuss the requirements of the proposed surveys to address these (and many others!) topics as well as the synergy with other wide area surveys planned at higher frequencies (and in particular in the 1-2 GHz band) with new radio facilities like ASKAP and Apertif. The complementary information provided by these surveys will be crucial for detailed studies of the spectral shape of a variety of radio sources (down to sub-mJy sources) and for studies of the ISM (in particular HI and OH) in nearby galaxies.

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