Study of a homogeneous QSO sample: relations between the QSO and its host galaxy

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We analyse a sample of 69 QSOs which have been randomly selected in a complete sample of 104 QSOs (R<18, 0.142 < z < 0.198). 60 have been observed with the NTT/SUSI2 at La Silla, through two filters in the optical band (WB#655 and V#812), and the remaining 9 are taken from archive databases. The filter V#812 contains the redshifted Hbeta and forbidden [OIII] emission lines, while WB#655 covers a spectral region devoid of emission lines, thus measuring the QSO and stellar continua. The contributions of the QSO and the host are separated thanks to the MCS deconvolution algorithm, allowing a morphological classification of the host, and the computation of several parameters such as the host and nucleus absolute V-magnitude, distance between the luminosity center of the host and the QSO, and colour of the host and nucleus. We define a new asymmetry coefficient, independent of any galaxy models and well suited for QSO host studies. The main results from this study are: (i) 25% of the total number of QSO hosts are spirals, 51% are ellipticals and 60% show signs of interaction; (ii) Highly asymmetric systems tend to have a higher gas ionization level (iii) Elliptical hosts contain a substantial amount of ionized gas, and some show off-nuclear activity. These results agree with hierarchical models merger driven evolution.

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