Response Functions for a Granular Fluid

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The response of an isolated granular fluid to small perturbations of the hydrodynamic fields is considered. The corresponding linear response functions are identified in terms of a formal solution to the Liouville equation including the effects of the cooling reference state. These functions are evaluated exactly in the asymptotic long wavelength limit and shown to represent hydrodynamic modes. More generally, the linear granular Navier-Stokes equations for the response functions and related Langevin equations are obtained from an extension of Moris identity. The resulting Green-Kubo expressions for transport coefficients are compared and contrasted with those for a molecular fluid. Next the response functions are described in terms of an effective dynamics in the single particle phase space. A closed linear kinetic equation is obtained formally in terms of a linear two particle functional. This closure is evaluated for two examples: a short time Markovian approximation, and a low density expansion on length and time scales of the mean free time and mean free path. The former is a generalization of the revised Enskog kinetic theory to include velocity correlations. The latter is an extension of the Boltzmann equation to include the effects of recollisions (rings) among the particles.

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