A Tungsten / Scintillating Fiber Electromagnetic Calorimeter Prototype for a High-Rate Muon g-2 Experiment

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A compact and fast electromagnetic calorimeter prototype was designed, built, and tested in preparation for a next-generation, high-rate muon g-2 experiment. It uses a simple assembly procedure: alternating layers of 0.5-mm-thick tungsten plates and 0.5-mm-diameter plastic scintillating fiber ribbons. This geometry leads to a detector having a calculated radiation length of 0.69 cm, a Moliere radius of 1.73 cm, and a measured intrinsic sampling resolution term of (11.8pm1.1)/sqrt{E(GeV)}, in the range 1.5 to 3.5 GeV. The construction procedure, test beam results, and GEANT-4 comparative simulations are described.

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