Towards Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in an asymmetric multi-quantum state magnetic lattice

الملخص بالإنكليزية

An asymmetric multi-quantum state magnetic lattice is proposed to host excitons formed in a quantum degenerate gas of ultracold fermionic atoms to simulate Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of excitons. A Quasi-two dimensional degenerate gas of excitons can be collected in the in-plane asymmetric magnetic bands created at the surface of the proposed magnetic lattice, where the ultracold fermions simulate separately direct and indirect confined electronhole pairs (spin up fermions-spin down fermions) rising to the statistically degenerate Bose gas and eventually through controlled tunnelling to BEC of excitons. The confinement of the coupled magnetic quantum well (CMQWs) system may significantly improve the condition for long lived exciton BEC. The exciton BEC, formed in CMQWs can be regarded as a suitable host for the multi-qubits (multipartite) systems to be used in quantum information processors.

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