Exact solution of Dyson-Schwinger equations for a scalar field theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We exactly solve Dyson-Schwinger equations for a massless quartic scalar field theory. n-point functions are computed till n=4 and the exact propagator computed from the two-point function. The spectrum is so obtained, being the same of a harmonic oscillator. Callan-Symanzik equation for the two-point function gives the beta function. This gives the result that this theory has only trivial fixed points. In the low-energy limit the coupling goes to zero making the theory trivial and, at high energies, it reaches infinity. No Landau pole appears, rather this should be seen as a precursor, in a weak perturbation expansion, of the coupling reaching the trivial fixed point at infinity. Using a mapping theorem, recently proved, between massless quartic scalar field theory and gauge theories, we derive some properties of the latter.

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