We optimize the area and latency of Shors factoring while simultaneously improving fault tolerance through: (1) balancing the use of ancilla generators, (2) aggressive optimization of error correction, and (3) tuning the core adder circuits. Our custom CAD flow produces detailed layouts of the physical components and utilizes simulation to analyze circuits in terms of area, latency, and success probability. We introduce a metric, called ADCR, which is the probabilistic equivalent of the classic Area-Delay product. Our error correction optimization can reduce ADCR by an order of magnitude or more. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that the area of an optimized quantum circuit is not dominated exclusively by error correction. Further, our adder evaluation shows that quantum carry-lookahead adders (QCLA) beat ripple-carry adders in ADCR, despite being larger and more complex. We conclude with what we believe is one of most accurate estimates of the area and latency required for 1024-bit Shors factorization: 7659 mm$^{2}$ for the smallest circuit and $6 * 10^8$ seconds for the fastest circuit.
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