Infrared behavior and spectral function of a Bose superfluid at zero temperature

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In a Bose superfluid, the coupling between transverse (phase) and longitudinal fluctuations leads to a divergence of the longitudinal correlation function, which is responsible for the occurrence of infrared divergences in the perturbation theory and the breakdown of the Bogoliubov approximation. We report a non-perturbative renormalization-group (NPRG) calculation of the one-particle Green function of an interacting boson system at zero temperature. We find two regimes separated by a characteristic momentum scale $k_G$ (Ginzburg scale). While the Bogoliubov approximation is valid at large momenta and energies, $|p|,|w|/cgg k_G$ (with $c$ the velocity of the Bogoliubov sound mode), in the infrared (hydrodynamic) regime $|p|,|w|/cll k_G$ the normal and anomalous self-energies exhibit singularities reflecting the divergence of the longitudinal correlation function. In particular, we find that the anomalous self-energy agrees with the Bogoliubov result $Sigan(p,w)simeqconst$ at high-energies and behaves as $Sigan(p,w)sim (c^2p^2-w^2)^{(d-3)/2}$ in the infrared regime (with $d$ the space dimension), in agreement with the Nepomnyashchii identity $Sigan(0,0)=0$ and the predictions of Popovs hydrodynamic theory. We argue that the hydrodynamic limit of the one-particle Green function is fully determined by the knowledge of the exponent $3-d$ characterizing the divergence of the longitudinal susceptibility and the Ward identities associated to gauge and Galilean invariances. The infrared singularity of $Sigan(p,w)$ leads to a continuum of excitations (coexisting with the sound mode) which shows up in the one-particle spectral function.

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