The photometric evolution of dissolving star clusters: II. Realistic models. Colours and M/L ratios

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Evolutionary synthesis models are the prime method to construct models of stellar populations, and to derive physical parameters from observations. One of the assumptions for such models so far has been the time-independence of the stellar mass function. However, dynamical simulations of star clusters in tidal fields have shown the mass function to change due to the preferential removal of low-mass stars from clusters. Here we combine the results from dynamical simulations of star clusters in tidal fields with our evolutionary synthesis code GALEV to extend the models by a new dimension: the total cluster disruption time. We reanalyse the mass function evolution found in N-body simulations of star clusters in tidal fields, parametrise it as a function of age and total cluster disruption time and use this parametrisation to compute GALEV models as a function of age, metallicity and the total cluster disruption time. We study the impact of cluster dissolution on the colour (generally, they become redder) and magnitude (they become fainter) evolution of star clusters, their mass-to-light ratios (off by a factor of ~2 -- 4 from standard predictions), and quantify the effect on the cluster age determination from integrated photometry (in most cases, clusters appear to be older than they are, between 20 and 200%). By comparing our model results with observed M/L ratios for old compact objects in the mass range 10^4.5 -- 10^8 Msun, we find a strong discrepancy for objects more massive than 10^7 Msun (higher M/L). This could be either caused by differences in the underlying stellar mass function or be an indication for the presence of dark matter in these objects. Less massive objects are well represented by the models. The models for a range of total cluster disruption times are available online. (shortened)

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