Do entanglements need some superluminal hidden connection?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Local hidden variables theories didnt succeed to explain the correlations revealed by entanglements. It is obvious that the explanation of the correlations stands in non-local effects, but nobody has ever detected any carriers that travel with superluminal velocity s.t. they could candidate for some superluminal connection between distant particles, in order to adjust the results to the correlations. This text explains that the role of creating the correlations is played by what is called here the Negative. This is the part that was removed from the wave function of the independent particles, in order to obtain the entanglement. As it is shown here, for du-particle experiments the Negative consists in du-particle wave-packets. They enter both regions where the particles are tested, s.t. the Negative knows the response given by one particle, and erases the possibilities of forbidden responses from the other particle.

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