In minimal supergravity (mSugra), the neutrino sector is related to the slepton sector by means of the renormalization group equations. This opens a door to indirectly test the neutrino sector via measurements at the LHC. Concretely, for the simplest seesaw type-I, we present the correlations between seesaw parameters and ratio of stau lepton flavour violating (LFV) branching ratios. We find some simple, extreme scenarios for the unknown right-handed parameters, where ratios of LFV rates correlate with neutrino oscillation parameters. On the other hand, we scan the mSugra parameter space, for both seesaw type-I and II, to find regions where LFV stau decays can be maximized, while respecting low-energy experimental bounds. We estimate the expected number of events at the LHC for a sample luminosity of L = 100 fb^{-1}.
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