The molecular environment of the massive star forming region NGC 2024: Multi CO transition analysis

الملخص بالإنكليزية

NGC 2024, a sites of massive star formation, have complex internal structures caused by cal heating by young stars, outflows, and stellar winds. These complex cloud structures lead to intricate emission line shapes. The goal of this paper is to show that the complex line shapes of 12 CO lines in NGC 2024 can be explained consistently with a model, whose temperature and velocity structure are based on the well-established scenario of a PDR and the Blister model. We present velocity-resolved spectra of seven CO lines ranging from J=3 to J=13, and we combined these data with CO high-frequency data from the ISO satellite. We find that the bulk of the molecular cloud associated with NGC 2024 consists of warm (75 K) and dense (9e5 cm-3) gas. An additional hot (~ 300 K) component, located at the interface of the HII region and the molecular cloud, is needed to explain the emission of the high-J CO lines. Deep absorption notches indicate that very cold material (20 K) exists in front of the warm material, too. A temperature and column density structure consistent with those predicted by PDR models, combined with the velocity structure of a Blister model, appropriately describes the observed emission line profiles of this massive star forming region. This case study of NGC 2024 shows that, with physical insights into these complex regions and careful modeling, multi-line observations of CO can be used to derive detailed physical conditions in massive star forming regions.

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