PCA Tomography: how to extract information from datacubes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Astronomy has evolved almost exclusively by the use of spectroscopic and imaging techniques, operated separately. With the development of modern technologies it is possible to obtain datacubes in which one combines both techniques simultaneously, producing images with spectral resolution. To extract information from them can be quite complex, and hence the development of new methods of data analysis is desirable. We present a method of analysis of datacube (data from single field observations, containing two spatial and one spectral dimension) that uses PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to express the data in the form of reduced dimensionality, facilitating efficient information extraction from very large data sets. PCA transforms the system of correlated coordinates into a system of uncorrelated coordinates ordered by principal components of decreasing variance. The new coordinates are referred to as eigenvectors, and the projections of the data onto these coordinates produce images we will call tomograms. The association of the tomograms (images) to eigenvectors (spectra) is important for the interpretation of both. The eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal and this information is fundamental for their handling and interpretation. When the datacube shows objects that present uncorrelated physical phenomena, the eigenvectors orthogonality may be instrumental in separating and identifying them. By handling eigenvectors and tomograms one can enhance features, extract noise, compress data, extract spectra, etc. We applied the method, for illustration purpose only, to the central region of the LINER galaxy NGC 4736, and demonstrate that it has a type 1 active nucleus, not known before. Furthermore we show that it is displaced from the centre of its stellar bulge.

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