Discovering the Growth Histories of Exoplanets: The Saturn Analog HD 149026b

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The transiting hot Saturn HD 149026b, which has the highest mean density of any confirmed planet in the Neptune-Jupiter mass range, has challenged theories of planet formation since its discovery in 2005. Previous investigations could not explain the origin of the planets 45-110 Earth-mass solid core without invoking catastrophes such as gas giant collisions or heavy planetesimal bombardment launched by neighboring planets. Here we show that HD 149026bs large core can be successfully explained by the standard core accretion theory of planet formation. The keys to our reconstruction of HD 149026b are (1) applying a model of the solar nebula to describe the protoplanet nursery; (2) placing the planet initially on a long-period orbit at Saturns heliocentric distance of 9.5 AU; and (3) adjusting the solid mass in the HD 149026 disk to twice that of the solar nebula in accordance with the stars heavy element enrichment. We show that the planets migration into its current orbit at 0.042 AU is consistent with our formation model. Our study of HD 149026b demonstrates that it is possible to discover the growth history of any planet with a well-defined core mass that orbits a solar-type star.

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