Nonlinear Operator Superalgebras and BFV-BRST Operators for Lagrangian Description of Mixed-symmetry HS Fields in AdS Spaces

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the properties of nonlinear superalgebras $mathcal{A}$ and algebras $mathcal{A}_b$ arising from a one-to-one correspondence between the sets of relations that extract AdS-group irreducible representations $D(E_0,s_1,s_2)$ in AdS$_d$-spaces and the sets of operators that form $mathcal{A}$ and $mathcal{A}_b$, respectively, for fermionic, $s_i=n_i+{1/2}$, and bosonic, $s_i=n_i$, $n_i in mathbb{N}_0$, $i=1,2$, HS fields characterized by a Young tableaux with two rows. We consider a method of constructing the Verma modules $V_mathcal{A}$, $V_{mathcal{A}_b}$ for $mathcal{A}$, $mathcal{A}_b$ and establish a possibility of their Fock-space realizations in terms of formal power series in oscillator operators which serve to realize an additive conversion of the above (super)algebra ($mathcal{A}$) $mathcal{A}_b$, containing a set of 2nd-class constraints, into a converted (super)algebra $mathcal{A}_{b{}c}$ = $mathcal{A}_{b}$ + $mathcal{A}_b$ ($mathcal{A}_c$ = $mathcal{A}$ + $mathcal{A}$), containing a set of 1st-class constraints only. For the algebra $mathcal{A}_{b{}c}$, we construct an exact nilpotent BFV--BRST operator $Q$ having nonvanishing terms of 3rd degree in the powers of ghost coordinates and use $Q$ to construct a gauge-invariant Lagrangian formulation (LF) for HS fields with a given mass $m$ (energy $E_0(m)$) and generalized spin $mathbf{s}$=$(s_1,s_2)$. LFs with off-shell algebraic constraints are examined as well.

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