Interferometry with independent Bose-Einstein ondensates: parity as an EPR/Bell quantum variable

الملخص بالإنكليزية

When independent Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), described quantum mechanically by Fock (number) states, are sent into interferometers, the measurement of the output port at which the particles are detected provides a binary measurement, with two possible results $pm1$. With two interferometers and two BECs, the parity (product of all results obtained at each interferometer) has all the features of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen quantity, with perfect correlations predicted by quantum mechanics when the settings (phase shifts of the interferometers) are the same. When they are different, significant violations of Bell inequalities are obtained. These violations do not tend to zero when the number $N$ of particles increases, and can therefore be obtained with arbitrarily large systems, but a condition is that all particles should be detected. We discuss the general experimental requirements for observing such effects, the necessary detection of all particles in correlation, the role of the pixels of the CCD detectors, and that of the alignments of the interferometers in terms of matching of the wave fronts of the sources in the detection regions. Another scheme involving three interferometers and three BECs is discussed; it leads to Greenberger Horne Zeilinger (GHZ) sign contradictions, as in the usual GHZ case with three particles, but for an arbitrarily large number of them. Finally, generalizations of the Hardy impossibilities to an arbitrarily large number of particles are introduced. BECs provide a large versality for observing violations of local realism in a variety of experimental arrangements.

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