Near Flat Space limit of strings on AdS_4 x CP^3

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The non-linear nature of string theory on non-trivial backgrounds related to the AdS/CFT correspondence suggests to look for simplifications. Two such simplifications proved to be useful in studying string theory. These are the pp-wave limit which describes point-like strings and the so called near flat space limit which connects two different sectors of string theory -- pp-waves and giant magnons. Recently another example of AdS/CFT duality emerged - $AdS_4/CFT_3$, which suggests duality between $mathcal N=6$ CS theory and superstring theory on $AdS_4times cp$. In this paper we study the near flat space limit of strings on the $AdS_4times cp$ background and discuss possible applications of the reduced theory.

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