The Landau gauge lattice ghost propagator in stochastic perturbation theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present one- and two-loop results for the ghost propagator in Landau gauge calculated in Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT). The one-loop results are compared with available standard Lattice Perturbation Theory in the infinite-volume limit. We discuss in detail how to perform the different necessary limits in the NSPT approach and discuss a recipe to treat logarithmic terms by introducing ``finite-lattice logs. We find agreement with the one-loop result from standard Lattice Perturbation Theory and estimate, from the non-logarithmic part of the ghost propagator in two-loop order, the unknown constant contribution to the ghost self-energy in the RI-MOM scheme in Landau gauge. That constant vanishes within our numerical accuracy.

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