Morita Equivalence of Brandt Semigroup Algebras

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We prove that for every group $G$ and any two sets $I,J$, the Brandt semigroup algebras $ell(B(I,G))$ and $ell(B(J,G))$ are Morita equivalent with respect to the Morita theory of self-induced Banach algebras introduced by Gronbaek. As applications, we show that if $G$ is an amenable group, then for a wide class of Banach $ell(B(I,G))$-bimodules $E$, and every $n>0$, the bounded Hochschild cohomology groups $H^n(ell(B(I,G)),E^*)$ are trivial, and also, the notion of approximate amenability is not Morita invariant.

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