Astrometry of H$_{2}$O Masers in Nearby Star-Forming Regions with VERA. III. IRAS 22198+6336 in L1204G

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present results of multi-epoch VLBI observations with VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) of the 22 GHz H$_{2}$O masers associated with a young stellar object (YSO) IRAS 22198+6336 in a dark cloud L1204G. Based on the phase-referencing VLBI astrometry, we derive an annual parallax of IRAS 22198+6336 to be 1.309$pm$0.047 mas, corresponding to the distance of 764$pm$27 pc from the Sun. Although the most principal error source of our astrometry is attributed to the internal structure of the maser spots, we successfully reduce the errors in the derived annual parallax by employing the position measurements for all of the 26 detected maser spots. Based on this result, we reanalyze the spectral energy distribution (SED) of IRAS 22198+6336 and find that the bolometric luminosity and total mass of IRAS 22198+6336 are 450$L_{odot}$ and 7$M_{odot}$, respectively. These values are consistent with an intermediate-mass YSO deeply embedded in the dense dust core, which has been proposed to be an intermediate-mass counterpart of a low-mass Class 0 source. In addition, we obtain absolute proper motions of the H$_{2}$O masers for the most blue-shifted components. We propose that the collimated jets aligned along the east-west direction are the most plausible explanation for the origin of the detected maser features.

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