Rapid spectral and timing variability of Be/X-ray binaries during type II outbursts

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We have investigated the spectral and timing variability of four accreting X-ray pulsars with Be-type companions during major X-ray outbursts. Different spectral states were defined according to the value of the X-ray colours and flux. Transient Be/X-ray binaries exhibit two branches in their colour-colour and colour-intensity diagrams: the horizontal branch corresponds to a low-intensity state and shows the larger fractional rms, similar to the the island state in atolls and horizontal branch in Z sources; the diagonal branch corresponds to a high-intensity state, in which the source spends about 75% of the total duration of the outburst. Despite the complexity of the power spectra due to the peaks of the pulse period and its harmonics, the aperiodic variability of Be/X-ray binaries can be described with a relatively low number of Lorentzian components. Some of these components can be associated with the same type of noise as that seen in low-mass X-ray binaries, although the characteristic frequencies are about one order of magnitude lower. The pattern traced by V 0332+53 results in a Z shaped track, similar to the low-mass Z sources, without the flaring branch. In contrast, the horizontal branch in 4U 0115+63, KS 1947+300 and EXO 2030+375 corresponds to a low/soft state, not seen in other types of X-ray binaries. The noise at very low frequencies follows a power law in V 0332+53 (like in LMXB Z) and it is flat-topped in 4U 0115+63, KS 1947+300 and EXO 2030+375 (like in LMXB atoll). V 0332+53 shows a noise component coupled with the periodic variability that it is not seen in any of the other three sources.

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