Chiral Symmetry and Electron Spin Relaxation of Lithium Donors in Silicon

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report theoretical and experimental studies of the longitudinal electron spin and orbital relaxation time of interstitial Li donors in $^{28}$Si. We predict that despite the near-degeneracy of the ground-state manifold the spin relaxation times are extremely long for the temperatures below 0.3 K. This prediction is based on a new finding of the chiral symmetry of the donor states, which presists in the presence of random strains and magnetic fields parallel to one of the cubic axes. Experimentally observed kinetics of magnetization reversal at 2.1 K and 4.5 K are in a very close agreement with the theory. To explain these kinetics we introduced a new mechanism of spin decoherence based on a combination of a small off-site displacement of the Li atom and an umklapp phonon process. Both these factors weakly break chiral symmetry and enable the long-term spin relaxation.

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