As a generalization of Davis-Januszkiewicz theory, there is an essential link between locally standard $(Z_2)^n$-actions (or $T^n$-actions) actions and nice manifolds with corners, so that a class of nicely behaved equivariant cut-and-paste operations on locally standard actions can be carried out in step on nice manifolds with corners. Based upon this, we investigate what kinds of closed manifolds admit locally standard $(Z_2)^n$-actions; especially for the 3-dimensional case. Suppose $M$ is an orientable closed connected 3-manifold. When $H_1(M;Z_2)=0$, it is shown that $M$ admits a locally standard $(Z_2)^3$-action if and only if $M$ is homeomorphic to a connected sum of 8 copies of some $Z_2$-homology sphere $N$, and if further assuming $M$ is irreducible, then $M$ must be homeomorphic to $S^3$. In addition, the argument is extended to rational homology 3-sphere $M$ with $H_1(M;Z_2) cong Z_2$ and an additional assumption that the $(Z_2)^3$-action has a fixed point.