Scaling limit of N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theories and Lorentzian Bagger-Lambert theories

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show that the N=8 superconformal Bagger-Lambert theory based on the Lorentzian 3-algebra can be derived by taking a certain scaling limit of the recently proposed N=6 superconformal U(N)xU(N) Chern-Simons-matter theories at level (k, -k). The scaling limit (and Inonu-Wigner contraction) is to scale the trace part of the bifundamental fields as X_0 -> lambda^{-1} X_0 and an axial combination of the two gauge fields as B_{mu} -> lambda B_mu. Simultaneously we scale the level as k -> lambda^{-1} k and then take lambda -> 0 limit. Interestingly the same constraint equation partial^2 X_0=0 is derived by imposing finiteness of the action. In this scaling limit, M2-branes are located far from the origin of C^4/Z_k compared to their fluctuations and Z_k identification becomes a circle identification. Hence the scaled theory describes N=8 supersymmetric theory of 2-branes with dynamical coupling. The coupling constant is promoted to a space-time dependent SO(8) vector X_0^I and we show that the scaled theory has a generalized conformal symmetry as well as manifest SO(8) with the transformation of the background fields X_0^I.

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