Operator quantum error correction for continuous dynamics

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the conditions under which a subsystem code is correctable in the presence of noise that results from continuous dynamics. We consider the case of Markovian dynamics as well as the general case of Hamiltonian dynamics of the system and the environment, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions on the Lindbladian and system-environment Hamiltonian, respectively. For the case when the encoded information is correctable during an entire time interval, the conditions we obtain can be thought of as generalizations of the previously derived conditions for decoherence-free subsystems to the case where the subsystem is time dependent. As a special case, we consider conditions for unitary correctability. In the case of Hamiltonian evolution, the conditions for unitary correctability concern only the effect of the Hamiltonian on the system, whereas the conditions for general correctability concern the entire system-environment Hamiltonian. We also derive conditions on the Hamiltonian which depend on the initial state of the environment, as well as conditions for correctability at only a particular moment of time. We discuss possible implications of our results for approximate quantum error correction.

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