Toward directional detection of Dark Matter with the DM-TPC detector

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Directional detection can provide unambiguous observation of Dark Matter interactions even in presence of insidious backgrounds. The DM-TPC collaboration is developing a detector with the goal of measuring the direction and sense of nuclear recoils produced in Dark Matter interactions. The detector consists of a Time Projection Chamber with optical readout filled with CF$_4$ gas at low pressure. A collision between a WIMP and a gas molecule results in a nuclear recoil of 1-2 mm. The measurement of the energy loss along the recoil allows us to determine the sense and the direction of the recoil. Results from a prototype detector operated in a low-energy neutron beam clearly demonstrate the suitability of this approach to measure directionality. A cubic meter prototype, which is now being designed, will allow us to set competitive limits on spin-dependent Dark Matter interactions using a directional detector.

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