On Discrete Subgroups of automorphism of $P^2_C$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the geometry and dynamics of discrete subgroups $Gamma$ of $PSL(3,mathbb{C})$ with an open invariant set $Omega subset PC^2$ where the action is properly discontinuous and the quotient $Omega/Gamma$ contains a connected component whicis compact. We call such groups {it quasi-cocompact}. In this case $Omega/Gamma$ is a compact complex projective orbifold and $Omega$ is a {it divisible set}. Our first theorem refines classical work by Kobayashi-Ochiai and others about complex surfaces with a projective structure: We prove that every such group is either virtually affine or complex hyperbolic. We then classify the divisible sets that appear in this way, the corresponding quasi-cocompact groups and the orbifolds $Omega/Gamma$. We also prove that excluding a few exceptional cases, the Kulkarni region of discontinuity coincides with the equicontinuity region and is the largest open invariant set where the action is properly discontinuous.

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