Infrared Excess in the Be Star Delta Scorpii

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present infrared photometric observations of the Be binary system delta Scorpii obtained in 2006. The J,H and K magnitudes are the same within the errors compared to observations taken 10 months earlier. We derive the infrared excess from the observation and compare this to the color excess predicted by a radiative equilibrium model of the primary star and its circumstellar disk. We use a non-LTE computational code to model the gaseous envelope concentrated in the stars equatorial plane and calculate the expected spectral energy distribution and Halpha emission profile of the star with its circumstellar disk. Using the observed infrared excess of delta Sco, as well as Halpha spectroscopy bracketing the IR observations in time, we place constraints on the radial density distribution in the circumstellar disk. Because the disk exhibits variability in its density distribution, this work will be helpful in understanding its dynamics.

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