A Proposal of Multigrid Methods for Hermitian Positive Definite Linear Systems enjoying an order relation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Given a multigrid procedure for linear systems with coefficient matrices $A_n$, we discuss the optimality of a related multigrid procedure with the same smoother and the same projector, when applied to properly related algebraic problems with coefficient matrices $B_n$: we assume that both $A_n$ and $B_n$ are positive definite with $A_nle vartheta B_n$, for some positive $vartheta$ independent of $n$. In this context we prove the Two-Grid method optimality. We apply this elementary strategy for designing a multigrid solution for modifications of multilevel structured (Toeplitz, circulants, Hartley, sine ($tau$ class) and cosine algebras) linear systems, in which the coefficient matrix is banded in a multilevel sense and Hermitian positive definite. In such a way, several linear systems arising from the approximation of integro-differential equations with various boundary conditions can be efficiently solved in linear time (with respect to the size of the algebraic problem). Some numerical experiments are presented and discussed, both with respect to Two-Grid and multigrid procedures.

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