Phenomenology of the normal state in-plane transport properties of high-$T_c$ cuprates

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this article, I review progress towards an understanding of the normal state (in-plane) transport properties of high-$T_c$ cuprates in the light of recent developments in both spectroscopic and transport measurement techniques. Against a backdrop of mounting evidence for anisotropic single-particle lifetimes in cuprate superconductors, new results have emerged that advocate similar momentum dependence in the transport decay rate $Gamma$({bf k}). In addition, enhancement of the energy scale (up to the bare bandwidth) over which spectroscopic information on the quasiparticle response can be obtained has led to the discovery of new, unforeseen features that surprisingly, may have a significant bearing on the transport properties at the dc limit. With these two key developments in mind, I consider here whether all the ingredients necessary for a complete phenomenological description of the anomalous normal state transport properties of high-$T_c$ cuprates are now in place.

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