The effect of rotation on the spectrum of Vega

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The discovery that Vega is a rapidly rotating pole-on star has raised a number of questions about this fundamental standard, including such issues as its composition, and in turn its mass and age. We report here a reanalysis of Vegas composition. A full spectral synthesis based on the Roche model derived earlier from NPOI interferometry is used. We find the line shapes in Vegas spectrum to be more complex than just flat-bottomed, which have been previously reported; profiles range from slightly self-reversed to simple ``V shapes. A high SNR spectrum, obtained by stacking spectra from the ELODIE archive, shows excellent agreement with the calculations, provided we add about 10 km/s of macroturbulence to the predicted spectra. From the abundance analysis, we find that Vega shows the peculiar abundance pattern of a W Bootis star as previously suggested. We investigate the effects of rotation on the deduced abundances and show that the dominant ionization states are only slightly affected compared to analyses using non-rotating models. We argue that the rapid rotation requires the star be fully mixed. The composition leads to masses and particularly ages that are quite different compared to what are usually assumed.

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