We investigate the effects of the adiabatic loading of optical lattices to the temperature by applying the mean-field approximation to the three-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model at finite temperatures. We compute the lattice-height dependence of the isentropic curves for the given initial temperatures in case of the homogeneous system i.e., neglecting the trapping potential. Taking the unit of temperatures as the recoil energy, the adiabatic cooling/heating through superfluid (SF) - normal (N) phase transition is clearly understood. It is found that the cooling occurs in SF phase while the heating occurs in N phase and the efficiency of adibatic cooling/heating is higher at higher temperatures. We also explain how its behavior can be understood from the lattice-hight dependence of dispersion relation in each phase. Furthermore, the connection of the adiabatic heating/cooling between the cases with/without the trapping potential is discussed.
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