Pseudoknot RNA structures with arc-length $ge 4$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper we study $k$-noncrossing RNA structures with minimum arc-length 4 and at most $k-1$ mutually crossing bonds. Let ${sf T}_{k}^{[4]}(n)$ denote the number of $k$-noncrossing RNA structures with arc-length $ge 4$ over $n$ vertices. We prove (a) a functional equation for the generating function $sum_{nge 0}{sf T}_{k}^{[4]}(n)z^n$ and (b) derive for $kle 9$ the asymptotic formula ${sf T}_{k}^{[4]}(n)sim c_k n^{-((k-1)^2+(k-1)/2)} gamma_k^{-n}$. Furthermore we explicitly compute the exponential growth rates $gamma_k^{-1}$ and asymptotic formulas for $4le kle 9$.

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