An omega-Power of a Finitary Language Which is a Borel Set of Infinite Rank

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Omega-powers of finitary languages are omega languages in the form V^omega, where V is a finitary language over a finite alphabet X. Since the set of infinite words over X can be equipped with the usual Cantor topology, the question of the topological complexity of omega-powers naturally arises and has been raised by Niwinski, by Simonnet, and by Staiger. It has been recently proved that for each integer n > 0, there exist some omega-powers of context free languages which are Pi^0_n-complete Borel sets, and that there exists a context free language L such that L^omega is analytic but not Borel. But the question was still open whether there exists a finitary language V such that V^omega is a Borel set of infinite rank. We answer this question in this paper, giving an example of a finitary language whose omega-power is Borel of infinite rank.

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