Hierarchical, Regular Small-World Networks

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Two new classes of networks are introduced that resemble small-world properties. These networks are recursively constructed but retain a fixed, regular degree. They consist of a one-dimensional lattice backbone overlayed by a hierarchical sequence of long-distance links. Both types of networks, one 3-regular and the other 4-regular, lead to distinct behaviors, as revealed by renormalization group studies. The 3-regular networks are planar, have a diameter growing as sqrt{N} with the system size N, and lead to super-diffusion with an exact, anomalous exponent d_w=1.3057581..., but possesses only a trivial fixed point T_c=0 for the Ising ferromagnet. In turn, the 4-regular networks are non-planar, have a diameter growing as ~2^[sqrt(log_2 N^2)], exhibit ballistic diffusion (d_w=1), and a non-trivial ferromagnetic transition, T_c>0. It suggest that the 3-regular networks are still quite geometric, while the 4-regular networks qualify as true small-world networks with mean-field properties. As an example of an application we discuss synchronization of processors on these networks.

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