Cost-driven weighted networks evolution

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Inspired by studies on airline networks we propose a general model for weighted networks in which topological growth and weight dynamics are both determined by cost adversarial mechanism. Since transportation networks are designed and operated with objectives to reduce cost, the theory of cost in micro-economics plays a critical role in the evolution. We assume vertices and edges are given cost functions according to economics of scale and diseconomics of scale (congestion effect). With different cost functions the model produces broad distribution of networks. The model reproduces key properties of real airline networks: truncated degree distributions, nonlinear strength degree correlations, hierarchy structures, and particulary the disassortative and assortative behavior observed in different airline networks. The result suggests that the interplay between economics of scale and diseconomics of scale is a key ingredient in order to understand the underlying driving factor of the real-world weighted networks.

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