Suzaku X-Ray Spectroscopy of a Peculiar Hot Star in the Galactic Center Region

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the results of a Suzaku study of a bright point-like source in the 6.7 keV intensity map of the Galactic center region. We detected an intense FeXXV 6.7 keV line with an equivalent width of ~1 keV as well as emission lines of highly ionized Ar and Ca from a spectrum obtained by the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer. The overall spectrum is described very well by a heavily absorbed (~2x10^{23}cm^{-2}) thin thermal plasma model with a temperature of 3.8+/-0.6 keV and a luminosity of ~3x10^{34} erg s^{-1} (2.0--8.0 keV) at 8 kpc. The absorption, temperature, luminosity, and the 6.7 keV line intensity were confirmed with the archived XMM-Newton data. The source has a very red (J-Ks=8.2 mag) infrared spectral energy distribution (SED), which was fitted by a blackbody emission of ~1000 K attenuated by a visual extinction of ~31 mag. The high plasma temperature and the large X-ray luminosity are consistent with a wind-wind colliding Wolf-Rayet binary. The similarity of the SED to those of the eponymous Quintuplet cluster members suggests that the source is a WC-type source.

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